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Agricultural Law Podcast

Feb 28, 2020

In this episode, we will be discussing new PA whole milk labeling guidance, PA support for the redirection of slots taxes to higher education scholarships, the new USDA agriculture innovation initiative, water increases direction to CA central valley, a Canada geese depredation order expansion, and the FDA reopening...

Feb 24, 2020

In this episode, we will be discussing a jury verdict in a dicamba drift trial, the Dean Foods proposed agreement of sale with Dairy Farmers of America, a TMDL proposal for Western Lake Erie, and a new interim rule on regional conservation partnership program.  

Hosted by Audry Thompson with Brook Duer
Edited by Erin...

Feb 22, 2020

Welcome to the Agricultural Law Podcast, brought to you by the Center for Agricultural and Shale Law. This episode we will be discussing the biggest legal developments in agriculture for the preceding month.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Agricultural Library, Agricultural Research Service,...

Feb 13, 2020

In this episode, we will be discussing an investigation into the White House’s Trade Aid Package, the EPA's annual update of Renewable Fuel Standards Program Requirements, a memorandum on hemp financing, and more. 

Hosted by Audry Thompson with Brook Duer.
Edited by Lisa Cumming

This material is based upon work...

Feb 10, 2020

In this episode, we will be discussing the interim EPA glyphosate review decision, new proposed neonicotinoids registration review decisions, and the approval of three more state hemp production programs.

Hosted by Audry Thompson with Brook Duer.
Edited by Erin Lieberman

This material is based upon work supported by the...