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Agricultural Law Podcast

Sep 29, 2020

A lawsuit filed by the Hemp Industries Association challenges DEA’s Hemp Interim Final Rule and R-CALF filed a suit against USDA’s establishment of qualified state beef councils MOUs under the federal Beef Checkoff Program. Then, FDA proposed a new food traceability rule and EPA issued a draft risk assessment...

Sep 23, 2020

EPA denied sixty-eight Renewable Fuel Standard small refinery exemptions and the World Trade Organization found that U.S. tariffs on Chinese products violate trade rules.  Then, USDA announced a second round of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program direct payments.  Also, OSHA cited Smithfield and JBS for failing...

Sep 23, 2020

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and several states filed lawsuits against EPA over Pennsylvania and New York’s noncompliance with Chesapeake Bay Agreement nutrient management and USDA issued a final rule on egg products inspection regulations.  Also, the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon dismissed a motion...

Sep 16, 2020

Research Assistant Audry Thompson talks with Brook Duer, Center Staff Attorney, about large-scale solar leasing and what landowners need to know if they’ve been approached by a solar development company or are thinking of inquiring about solar development on their property.

Hosted Audry Thompson, Research...

Sep 8, 2020

The USDA reopened the Comment Period for its 2019 Hemp Production Rule and a U.S. District Court dismissed a lawsuit alleging deceptive “Product of the USA” meat labeling.  Also, Monsanto appealed its Roundup verdict to the California Supreme Court and the Sixth Circuit upheld the denial of an injunction for...