Oct 27, 2020
Federal district courts vacated a SNAP Rule that reduced benefit access and then authorized a class action price-fixing suit to proceed against several large meatpackers and the Ninth Circuit denied an injunction against California’s Proposition 12, which mandates space standards for confined animals.
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Oct 20, 2020
JBS subsidiary Pilgrim’s Pride pled guilty to price-fixing broiler chickens while JBS parent company J&F pled guilty to bribery. Also, a second lawsuit was filed against the DEA over its hemp interim rule and New York expanded its spotted lanternfly quarantine while a spotted lanternfly was detected in Oregon.
Oct 14, 2020
DOJ indicted six more poultry executives over alleged price fixing while the Supreme Court declined to hear a case challenging Indiana's Right to Farm Act. Then, a federal court enjoined a Presidential Proclamation halting non-immigrant work visas and USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue was found in violation of the Hatch...
Oct 8, 2020
USDA and FDA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to coordinate and collaborate on dairy exports while a continuing appropriations act passed by Congress extends the 2014 Hemp Pilot Program. Also, a federal district court dismissed an antitrust lawsuit against several large meatpacking companies and the FTC...
Oct 1, 2020
Research Assistant Audry Thompson talks with Brook Duer, Center Staff Attorney, about the details of large-scale solar leases to familiarize landowners with the legal terms and concepts they need to know if they’ve been approached by a solar development company or are thinking of inquiring about solar development on...