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Agricultural Law Podcast

Mar 23, 2022

A federal district court enjoined Iowa’s March 2019 “ag-gag” law and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a district court’s dismissal of a “Product of the USA” meat labeling lawsuit. Also, a new Pennsylvania regulation exempts hayride owners from the engineer verification requirement for ride...

Mar 15, 2022

Organic Valley sent letters of intent to 80 northeast organic dairy producers and the 2022 Appropriations Act provided $1 million for a Cattle Contract Library pilot program. Then, FDA allowed the food use of genetically altered cattle and New York passed a law allowing hemp producers to apply for conditional marijuana...

Mar 10, 2022

Highly pathogenic avian influenza was found in domestic poultry in twelve states and a California federal court denied a preliminary injunction against Proposition 12. Then, EPA issued an order denying all objections to its final rule revoking all chlorpyrifos tolerances and Hanover Foods entered into a consent order...